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Searching within the hierarchy of the text / object organization

Specific texts or objects may be searched for by entering the name of the desired text or object or by direct entering to the tree-like representation of texts and objects.

Searching via text names/object names

Specific texts or objects may be searched for by entering the name of the desired text or object. This name, or part of it, needs to be entered into the upper entry field, using, if possible, the special sign "%" (as a substitute for any number of any signs) and inserting the sign for underscoring "_" (for any one sign). Often, the precise spelling of a text or object name is not known, or a group of texts or objects with similar names might be searched for. In such cases, users are generally advised to start and end each entry by typing in "%".

Searching within the text / object hierarchy

Egyptian texts are often part of decorative programmes of large monuments and/or archaeological find complexes. A hierarchical, tree-like representation makes it possible for the larger context of a text to be followed and navigated. Within the hierarchical organization of objects and texts, there are several types of nodes depending on the type of category. Each category of nodes has a name of its own.
The tree structure is in parts highly branched. This is why only the "path" from the root of the hierarchy to just one element can be displayed. Clicking on the node's name will show the elements below this node. In this way, the tree structure will open section by section. In general, texts are at the very bottom of this hierarchy with no elements below them. A branch in this hierarchy is fully unfolded only with the text level being reached.
Nodes fall into the following categories::

  Intermediate heading: groups material by purely practical criteria

  Gruppe: Group: unites objects and texts belonging to a uniform context of origin, particularly a historical and topographic one like the individual tombs of a necropolis.

  (Find)Complex: unites objects and texts deposited or attached within a direct temporal and functional context (e.g., all objects belonging to the decoration of a tomb of one single person).

  Object: refers to carriers of text - all objects with text on them (buildings, works of art, utensils).

  Part of an Object: denotes parts of a complex carrier of text. A rock tomb is counted as one object, the individual chambers therein and their walls as Parts of this object. (N.B.: Fragments of a damaged object are not Parts of an object in the aforementioned sense, but are recorded in restored form, if possible. Without context, it is classified as Object.

  Scene/Composition: groups texts that are in direct relation to one another, but do not appear in an unambiguous, fixed reading sequence (texts of scenes).

  Text: describes all running texts lending themselves to reading as a whole in an unambiguous sequence (from comprehensive works of literature to individual names in the form of inscriptions).

For Objects, Parts of Objects, Scenes and Texts, clicking on the name of a specific element (marked as a link) will show all descriptive detailed information thereon. Texts are accompanied by their respective wording and translation.

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