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Search and Navigate in the Digitized Slip Archive


Upon clicking on "Search Digitized Slip Archive" on the page "Search database" a query form will open that alphabetically lists the first 15 entries. Using the "Start", "Back", "Continue", "End" buttons allows users to run through all results. The Digitized Slip Archive may be searched by entering search values in one of the following three fields of the form:

  • Transcription (according to the lemma list rules,
  • Translation,
  • Citation of the Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache.

Clicking on the button "Search (BStNr/encoded citation number)" will sort results by citations within the dictionary, with one data set each being displayed per citation.

Clicking on "Search (lemma)" will produce results sorted alphabetically by lemmata, with one data set per lemma being displayed with its reference in the dictionary.

A specific citation may be searched for by selecting und entering one of the five volume numbers plus numbers of pages and citations in the dictionary.

Values entered for "Transcription" are automatically cut off (truncated) on the right. With "Translation", values are both right and left-truncated. Wildcards are available as follows: the sign for underscoring "_" as a substitute for any letter, and the percent sign "%" as a replacement of any number of any letters. Search values in the fields are connected by the logical AND operator.

The slips pertaining to a specific word will be displayed in a separate browser window upon clicking on this lemma of interest in the results list. These slips lend themselves to browsing.

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