Index of the words of a text or corpus segment (excluding names, titles and epithets)
Concept: This function allows to generate a word index for a text or partial corpus, excluding names, titles and epithets, for which a specific search function is in
Calling up the form for the index of words, users will find the partial corpus to search pre-set
- Using the drop-down list "Run analysis for", users may opt for the index to be generated for top level lemmata within the hierarchy of the lemma list (suggested), or just for individual
- Using the drop-down list "Display results" allows for the entire inventory of words to be shown in alphabetical order or grouped by word classes.
- The check box "List all citations" allows users to choose between all citations of a word or its overall frequency to be requested.
Results: Words will be shown in alphabetical order, and, if need be, grouped by word classes. For each word, citations and overall frequency will be shown.
Citations are provided with a link leading users to view the context. Results will be shown in segments. The buttons above and below the results table allow users to browse the results